Miranda Mercury FAQ

Who is Miranda Mercury?

Miranda Mercury is the star of the sci-fi adventure comic book The Many Adventures of Miranda Mercury. Some have called her the greatest adventurer in this or any other galaxy, but she doesn’t believe that impressive tagline for a second. Like all great heroes whose greatness and influence continues to escape them, Miranda exists in this kind of emotional vacuum where her actions are somewhat commonplace, a train of thought every intelligent being should logically follow. What person wouldn’t devote their life to experiencing every new world and culture one could experience? Or dedicate themselves to the fight against injustice and intolerance on more planets than they could ever possibly visit? What kind of person does the impossible, and then does it again just so you know the last time wasn’t a joke?

They say one person can’t make a difference…that their relative insignificance makes them easily ignored, destroyed, or corrupted. Miranda Mercury would call these people cowards, offering the same level of disdain reserved for those who are causing a universe worth of problems in the first place.

Ridin’ with her until he stops breathing is Jack Warning. Jack is a super genius that was the only non-powered graduate of the esteemed Sidekick Academy, and whose ex-girlfriend Zamanda Rival was voted by a consortium of intelligent worlds as “this year’s great super heroine,” an annual distinction usually reserved for Miranda Mercury. Though in nearly a decade, she’s never actually shown up to accept the award. Oblivious to her own greatness, Jack Warning has devoted some of his time to being a witness, a noble chronicler of the adventures of Ms. Mercury, who claims to need no further record than her own memory. Warning is dedicated to the idea that when the worst comes, people will know what Miranda accomplished—the battles she fought, and the lives she permanently changed. The only thing more important to him is saving her life from Cyrus Vega’s adaptive poison…a condition that he isn’t supposed to know anything about. But then, what kind of super genius would he be if he didn’t, and what kind of friend would he be if he didn’t do everything possible to stop it?

What is the storyline of The Many Adventures of Miranda Mercury?

Operating under the title “Time Runs Out,” this initial story arc finds Miranda Mercury entering the final year of her life, due to an alien poison put into her bloodstream by archenemy Cyrus Vega. The hardcover collects eight self-contained chapters that will feature Miranda and her best friend/partner Jack Warning as they free a samurai genie from his mystical prison, save every resident of the Glass Planet from impending destruction, battle the Time Raiders of Xaxium, get into a violent misunderstanding with cross-dimensional heroes The Infinity Class, survive the Perils of Yor, and receive a message that makes everything in Miranda’s life much, much worse. If we can survive the first arc, readers can look forward to a number of new and exciting stories in subsequent volumes “At What Cost,” and “Only the Strong.”

When is Miranda Mercury?

The present, past, and far future—sometimes in the course of the same issue. Starting this summer, her current adventures will once again be published in this dimension by Archaia Entertainment. The 294 issues that have come before—well, that’s another matter entirely, but negotiations are ongoing to secure the publishing rights to some of these already classic stories. Fan favorite tales like Miranda Mercury and the Gravity Smashers, Miranda Mercury and the Great Known, and Miranda Mercury Marooned on Planet Noir will soon be available, if there is sufficient interest.

Obviously, some of this is a conversation for another time, but the answer to the original question is…now.

Where is Miranda Mercury?

In stores beginning August 2011. Official Diamond ordering code is JUN11 0832, and the hardcover is now available for order on Amazon.com, as well as Barnes & Noble.com.

Why is Miranda Mercury?

Why not?

This entire project is an intensely personal, yet very public, love note to the comic book medium. Miranda Mercury is everything that I’ve loved about comics since I was introduced to them in the seventh grade. The kinetic storytelling, the unexpected twists, the intensely complicated partnerships, the crazy villains and gadgets, the imagery, the morality—but more than anything else really, the possibility. Nothing is impossible in comics, and this romanticized notion is at the core of the Miranda Mercury concept…if anything can and will happen, why the hell isn’t it? Why aren’t there more comic books willfully pushing against the walls the marketplace has built up around them? When did we just start accepting everything we’re told—that female characters can’t headline books unless they’re running around half naked, or that titles with minority characters don’t have a chance in hell of making it past their sixth issue. This book endeavors to take the rules and restrictions, expose their lack of validity in public and say with every bit of possible intensity that can be mustered, I DON’T BELIEVE YOU.

It’s designed to never stop moving, to never stop thinking of how to make things better and ultimately more compelling. That’s why all the stories are self-contained, because I love a samurai genie with a transparent brain as much as the next dude, but what sort of statement does it make when he only appears on a few pages of the book before we’re on to something else? Why were we crazy enough to decide that the cover of every issue will also serve as the first page of every story? What happened to the other 294 issues? We want everyone asking these kinds of questions after they read the comic; along with a dozen more I’m not smart enough to even anticipate. If you’re not, then clearly we’re not doing our jobs. Everyone involved is endeavoring to deliver the work of their (mostly) young careers, have a great deal of fun, and contribute to the landscape of comics storytelling that inspired us to get creatively involved in the first place.

Things are good, but they’re not good enough, and don’t trust anyone who tries to tell you different. Miranda Mercury wouldn’t, and neither should you.

2 responses to “Miranda Mercury FAQ

  1. Thanks, man…hoping to get another volume out next year! Keep your eye on the blog for more details, and thanks again for the kind words.


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